Our culture is rooted in the principles of Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
A vision for all people of the world to live life with dignity and the ability to access every opportunity and resource available to them.
Ensuring that those opportunities and resources are available to everyone while acknowledging that our society inherently poses barriers.
Diversity encompasses more than racial distinctions; it represents all of our differences in terms of how we differ in benefiting from opportunities and access.
Creating community through treating individuals fairly and respectfully while giving a voice to all opinions, viewpoints and unique perspectives.
Our philosophy of adaptive transformation includes the willingness and courage to carefully examine our practices, from recruiting to client relationships, to ensure that we are continually questioning our commitment to JEDI. It encompasses every aspect of our entity and interactions, allowing us to seek out opportunities to vocalize concerns and provide safe environments to address challenging issues. With the full knowledge that our growth is an ongoing journey, we know that we must also model and exemplify the values we espouse.
At Colabria, we believe collectives are powerful catalysts for transformation, changing lives, families, communities and the world. We also believe they have the power to transform the systems that have historically been in place by removing barriers, taking a heart-centered approach to our work and pushing forward with relentless perseverance.
All individuals are worthy of fair and just access to resources and opportunities. By focusing on removing obstacles that stand in the way of human potential, we begin to create a landscape that stimulates creativity, growth and success, ultimately leading to community attainment of shared value, prosperity and harmony.
We seek to address the deepest root causes of equity challenges in society and recognize that barriers to access and opportunity are derived from what has been a long history of systemic oppression. Our efforts include encouraging fair and just access to resources and opportunities for all people, ensuring that we actively work to remove obstacles that prevent full participation.
The differences between each of us as unique individuals, whether gender, age, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, appearance or any other distinction represent the diversity of human life. Our responsibility to understand, embrace and value these distinctions is our ongoing and deliberate commitment to strengthening communities and relationships for the greater good.
The team at Colabria understands that deconstructing systemic obstacles and achieving results on a global scale is predicated on collaborative efforts and our ability to ensure that all voices are heard. This entails creating an environment that values diversity and represents it through transparency and authenticity. We do this by respecting each individual fully, embracing each person’s uniqueness and deeply cherishing every person’s journey.